Adult Speech and Language Assessment and Therapy

Assessment and therapy for adult communication difficulties including;

  • aphasia (acquired language disorder e.g. post-stroke)
  • apraxia (acquired motor speech disorder e.g. post-stroke)
  • dysarthria (speech disorder caused by muscle weakness e.g. associated with Parkinson's Disease)
  • dysphonia (disorders of the voice) *referrals only accepted from E.N.T. consultants*

Unfortunately ACHIEVE does not offer intervention for adult fluency disorders such as stuttering / stammering. There is a link to fluency specialist Dr. Jonathon Linklater here.

Find out more about adult speech and language therapy at the link below:

Aphasia Information Pack

Information pack for adults who have aphasia and their families. 

Voice Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions about Voice Therapy (Please note that ACHIEVE only accepts clients for voice therapy from E.N.T. Consultants):


Augmentative and/or alternative communication (AAC) can support communication when a person is experiencing difficulties. There are lovely resources and free communication boards for adults in hospital here and here

European Parkinson's Disease Association

Multiple Sclerosis Information Page

About Motor Neurone Disease